
The Value Ladder for Designers & Brands

The Value Ladder for Designers & Brands

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A value ladder is a classic tool that helps you map out your products or services in visual way, in ascending order of value and price.

As a designer, have you ever considered how you cater to your client’s needs with a value ladder?

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Or if you’re a business, have you considered how much value you’re providing to your customers?

Do you simply have a logo or do you have a strategic brand that your customers can really connect with?

I’ve taken the liberty to show you what a “typical” brand value ladder may look like.

At the bottom of the ladder is the logo. A simple identification device for your brand. Important, but it’s just the beginning.

Up a step… IDENTITY

Here is the identity, the fonts, colors, etc that make up the brand in a cohesive & consistent way.

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Up a step… BRANDING

A more cohesive brand building experience beyond just visuals, looking at naming, positioning, brand personas, storytelling & communication.


A strategic brand builds on all of the above and is a more enduring brand that leaves a greater impact on the world, serving a purpose, better connecting customers based on beliefs & emotions, and actually solving greater problems vs just surface level visuals.

The point here?

As a designer, the higher you go on the value ladder, the more you get paid. Aka, the bigger problem you solve, the bigger the pay check.

As a business, the more strategic your brand, the more valuable it can be.

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And the ladder doesn’t stop there.

As a designer, you could offer further design collateral or consulting services.

As a business owner, you can create a better culture, more loyal customers and brand evangelists.

Have you ever considered your value ladder?

Give it a shot!

*Please note these elements do overlap but the point here is to illustrate the depth of problem solving and the value it provides to businesses and how a designer can level up, by offering deeper levels of service to their clients.

Want to learn brand strategy? Check out my favorite course here.

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Value ladder for designers & brands


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