
How to Master the Elevator Pitch & Leave a Great First Impression

How to Master the Elevator Pitch & Leave a Great First Impression

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Want to master the elevator pitch and leave a great first impression?

I just watched a great short video on The Futur with Chris Do that provided a nice little formula to help communicate what you do in a concise pitch, that lets a potential client know who you are and what you do.

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It goes like this:

  1. State the problem you solve. (Start with “You Know How”)
  2. State your solution (I do this to solve it)
  3. State examples (Finish with proof)

Here is my take at it (always a work in progress)…

“You know how a lot of businesses struggle at growing their brand & business? We solve that by helping them with their branding, design and marketing. To date, we’ve helped hundreds of successful businesses, often doubling or tripling their revenue.”

I expanded on this, just in case it was a longer elevator ride…

“We’ve worked with clients such as San Francisco and Disney, but honestly we work with all sizes of business. What do you do?”

Give your elevator pitch a shot!

Keep it simple, memorable and be clear about what problem you are solving!

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Practice, have fun and make it natural!

The Perfect Elevator Pitch Formula

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