
How We Test and Review on JUST Creative

How We Test and Review on JUST Creative

We independently research, test, review, and recommend the best products—learn more about our process. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

Our review-testing process is independent and unbiased to make sure that we offer you genuine advice on what to buy and why to buy it.

As our reviews are constantly updated and maintained, you can always rely on product reviews that you get on JUST Creative.

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The professionals we hire to test or review the products are experts in their fields. So, if you are looking at a product review of a monitor or tripod, you can be sure that the views expressed are those of a professional that has advanced knowledge of the field.

The experts that test products for us and help us understand the features and inner workings of the product are tech-savvy and use similar tech products on a regular basis.

We have set high standards when reviewing tech products, software, and art products, and there are certain points that we abide by while reviewing and testing anything on JUST Creative.

Industry-Leading Standards

  • We are completely independent and write genuine reviews after testing the products.
  • Advertisers or marketers have no say in what we think or write about in terms of products. The reviews are always honest.
  • We think about products from a creative perspective, so if there’s something unique and beautiful that’s built with passion, we are going to highlight it.
  • We test or review products in the way they are going to be used by the general audience in real life.

If you have any issues with any of the reviews we post, please feel free to email us, and we’ll definitely look into it.

Our Review Rating System

How Do We Test and Review on JUST Creative?

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Star ratings make things nice and clear for readers, so we have adapted the same method of rating at JUST Creative.

Out of five stars, we give ratings to products, and you might also see some of the products with half-stars as well to give you a better understanding of how closely better such products are when compared with the one before.

Overall, it is as simple as this: the more stars, the better the product.

As for the categories, we take into consideration many factors before assigning the rating to any software, whether it is an iPad or video editing software. The things we consider are as follows:

Design: Being an industry-leading design blog and creative community, we absolutely care about how a product looks & functions. Not just that, but we also consider how the look & functionality of the product aids in the accessibility and usage.

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Features: The features and functionalities of products of any software are important to understand what the unique selling point is and how it compares to other products in the market. Are there any new features, and do these features provide anything exceptional to the product?

Setup: The user experience and journey of any product start right from the point where the user unboxes the product. So, it is crucial to see whether the product is easy to install, if there is a good setup guide included, and if that’s all there in the box, plus how it is useful with respect to the product.

Performance: Performance is definitely one of the most important aspects of any software or product and each product is judged or assessed differently. For example, laptops, tablets, or smartphones are reviewed based on industry-standard benchmarks. On the other hand, desktop and mobile applications or software are judged on the basis of ease of use, UI/UX, and other features.

Value for Money: In this competitive era, value for money is something that users look for. This is why we consider if the product is worth the price tag or not. We also surf the web to provide you with the best deals from the Internet.


Reviews Simplified

Just Creative Review Badges

Keeping things creatively simple has always been the approach of JUST Creative. We want our readers to easily understand the reviews of products and hence if you quickly want to grasp what the product’s highlights are, then we have an organized review template for that.

The review provides you with a short yet detailed verdict of the software along with the rating, specifications, pros, and cons. You’ll also see some badges and categories next to products or software, and that will assist you in making the decision to buy. These categories are:

Editor’s Choice Badge: The Editor’s choice badge & notifier is given to the product that is top-rated on the list and has at least a 4-star rating. Also, this product stands out from the rest because of some unique functionality and value that it offers in the given price segment.

Best Value: Some products offer the best value for money, and they might be older tech or software, but they still provide good features. We often put them in the category of the best value for money.

Best Budget: The products under the best budget category are pocket-friendly for users and provide a more than decent performance. So, anyone who has a budget constraint can look out for the budget tag in the listicles and guides.


Reviews & Buying Guides

The readers of JUST Creative will see mainly these two product and software rating blogs: detailed reviews and buying guides. Let’s have a look at both of these:

Detailed Reviews: The full comprehensive review of any product is created by spending adequate time with a product, ranging from a week to months. Our team of experts tests the product and utilizes all the functionalities to see how it performs in different conditions. Whether it is a drawing tablet or graphic design software, we individually test and review them to provide a detailed walkthrough of the same.

How Do We Test and Review on JUST Creative?

Buying Guides: These are listicles (generally in the form of top 10 software, best products, etc.), and the products/software in these guides are gathered from our detailed reviews section. We rank the products in these guides and put them in different categories, as mentioned above, to assist you in the buying journey.

Finally, How Do We Test?

Where possible, we test products in the real world from the perspective of users in the world who will use them. For tech products like monitors, laptops and tablets, we have industry-standard benchmarks to test the performance, such as buffer speed or GPU performance.

For software, we test them by running the basic functionalities and executing some practical projects to see how the advanced features work. Also, we test them on different workstations to see how they perform.

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Our Expert Team & Contributors

On JUST Creative, you’ll find advice and insights from Jacob Cass as well as design & tech experts to help guide your creative journey.

  • Jacob Cass, Founder & CEO
  • Kate Kirk, Community Management
  • Ishan Beri, VA & Social Media
  • Bryan Downey, Content Editor
  • Marco Biferi, Video Editor
  • Ojash Yadav, SEO Consultant
  • Sam & Dan, SEO & Programming
  • Content Marketing Team: Judah, Sarika, Gaurav, Bjorn, Gideon, Rakshita, Vijay, Subhashini, Naresh, Anna, George, Ezekiel, Jace, Loganathan, Kamali.


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