
Tag: Creativity

How to get your FIRST Graphic Design Job

First Job

Below are some tips for graphic design students on finding the first job and tips on how to reduce the stress by providing an overview of the whole process. (This is a long post.)

Many young designers (such as myself) find it hard to believe that they can make a living doing something they find compelling and interesting—something they love. Finding the right first job, even if it’s a summer job or an internship, is not just an important step in launching your career – It is an exploration of the field and a continuation of the learning process. Even the most skilled designer finds the search for a first job stressful. The suggestions that follow can reduce that stress by providing an overview of the process.

Before you can begin

Before your job search can begin, you need to understand

  1. yourself: your motivations, strengths, and weaknesses;
  2. your work: its nature, style, and variety; and
  3. the job market: corporations, design offices, and the wide variety of other businesses that employ graphic designers. Then you can get ready to present yourself and your work in a portfolio.

Try writing these things down and doing a bit of research of the job market in your area.

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How To Boost Your Creativity

I have previously written an article on how to be creative however, it didn’t tell you how to boost your creativity. Below are some great ways of stimulating your brain … Read more

2 Interactive Creative Websites

These are two great interactive and creative websites which are inspiring and great for a bit of time out… Monoface randomly generates different faces and you can choose which area … Read more

How To Be Creative

Do you ever get asked ‘Where did you get that idea from?’ in any of your projects or pieces of work and you couldn’t answer the question? Well, I have … Read more